
SkySoft-ATM’s corporate mission is to rethink the design and the implementation of ATM systems. The company brings innovative solutions to the many challenges of Air Traffic Control.
By combining technical performance and a human approach, SkySoft-ATM achieves high productivity, reliability and safety standards. User-friendliness and flexibility are the central themes of the company’s vision, which leads to custom-made solutions, developed in close cooperation with clients.
SkySoft-ATM is one of the market leaders for recording solutions and has successfully designed and deployed the biggest screen recording projects.
Together with ROSE Simulation, SkySoft-ATM provides the SKYSIM ATC Trainer solution. ROSE operates as the radar simulation & preparation software which offers the possibility to generate new traffic scenarios and airspaces with very little effort. The scalable simulator can be used e.g. on independent working stations as a demonstration tool to teach basic ATC radar skills & for self-study, or in a complex networked simulation environment.

INGENAV offers a range of consulting and training services to organisations on an international scale.
INGENAV’s strength lies in combining skills from across the disciplines listed below, to provide solutions that are tailored to our costumer’s needs:
- Air Navigation and Airspace Procedures
- Safety
- Support to Transitions
- Technological Innovations
- Training in New Systems
- Training Delivery
- Project Management
INGENAV is also a CERTIFIED ATC TRAINING ORGANISATION in accordance with EASA and EU Regulation 340/2015.

For more than 25 years, IMTRADEX Hoer-/Sprechsysteme GmbH, is one of the leading manufacturer for headsets and accessories for the aviation market. More than 80.000 headsets are already in use by ATCO’s around the world in more than 100+ countries. But not limited to the operational headsets, we offer the same handling, comfort and functionality also in the simulation area. Together with our partners, we are building trust all around the globe.